Futurology Math: Google Earth on steroids

March 9, 2007

Ok, a little bit of futurology for you…..
Every now and then I will put a few company’s products together and come up with some predictions about the near future, in terms of what products, services and technology will be needed or might emerge.

Today’s Equation:

Microsoft VirtualEarth + Photosynth + Vexel Inc + Seadragon =

Errrr……equals Microsoft?! The first two are Microsoft, the last two were acquired by them.

Seadragon were acquired by MS for their technology which allows for incremental streaming of images. So when you are zoomed out of an image, you have only streamed the low res parts, and as you zoom in, more and more detail of the section you can see is streamed to you. Read the rest of this entry »